Rambling Oaksey™: Knackered!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


God I am bloody knackered! Funny whiff of the fair when I got out of the car at home! Could smell hot dogs and stuff (local fair on!)

Using that new 'Boss' skincare range, lovely smell to it, tho wish it was a bit cheaper!

Fetched the car back from its service and was told that the bloody tank needs replacing! Just my luck, its funny tho, I could actually smell petrol quite strongly. Getting it done in 2 weeks time, so for the time bein I gotta hope no one chucks a fag under me car or there will be a 'very' big bang! (its not dangerous to drive)

Had an argument with someone at work, called me patronising when I was only trying to help. People in denial of a financial mess do my head in. You are in a mess so ditch the 'proud' side of you and let people help. I calmed him down but there was no need to yawp and shout. If I was in a mess and someone was offering to help me with my finances I would be thankful. Silly tit!

I am really struggling to get up in the morning. It always happens at this time of the year, I cant budge! lol Might look at takin some 'Ginsing' again, tho to be honest its shite really and bloody expensive shite too! ;-) A nice strong cuppa does the trick, tho I drink too much tea. I dont want to get to the point where I am shaking like a leaf tho! Its scary but I could sleep for days! I dont suffer from SAD but bloody dark nights and dark mornings grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


At 7:44 pm , Blogger Queen on the run said...

glad you will be able to get the car fixed. Sorry that person gave you a hard time at work. Sounds nasty. Light therapy adz! Go to the tanning boothes!


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