Rambling Oaksey™: Classic post from WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 09, 2005

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Classic post from WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 09, 2005

I never told you did I?

We had some fireworks at the weekend, some rockets and the like. I got a rocket out of the packet (god this sounds like a porno!) anyways I got this rocket out and continued to get it ready to shoot! (it is a porno! lol) You get these things to stick em in but as you do I didnt look for that and stuck the rocket in the ground. Yeh yeh I know! So I went to light it and stood back ready to see the fab display that it would produce. We waited and waited, now bear in mind I had stuck the bloody thing in the ground! So it couldnt really erm fly into the sky. You could see it vibrating, trying to escape (sounds like men when they see me in a morning!) All of a sudden it went quiet, then it fucking blew up! We were all deaf for at least a min, I think the idea is that it was supposed to be placed into the tube that came with it so that it could escape into the sky! Oh well we all make mistakes! ;p

Then onto the catherine wheel, now you are supposed to stick this to a fence, so I get my big hammer out and bang it in. By this time everyone was on valium and glad to be alive. So I lit this wheel thingy, it started to spin and we were most amazed. I got out my camera hoping to take a picture of this amazing thing! Then all of a sudden whilst spinning at fifty miles an hour and making a noise a bit like a faked orgasm, it bloody come loose didnt it and flew at me, I was nearly catherine wheel decapitated! It was a different experience I suppose!


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