Rambling Oaksey™: F***, F***, F***!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

F***, F***, F***!!!!!!!!!

Watched 'Jerry Springer the Opera' last night, all I can say is I dont know what all the fuss was about. Yeh it was all F*** this and F*** thats, but it was after the watershed and you do have the choice to er, NOT WATCH! Why do people moan and groan when they have the choice to not watch it? I must admit tho that I did turn off halfway through act 2. I thought that Jerry interviewing the Devil and Jesus was a bit bizarre if to say the least. You can understand in a way why people were moaning about it, just dont watch it!!!!

Max is on season tho its not much longer till she dries up again. Cheeky cow tried to mount my arm yesterday morning, the randy bleeder! Dont let her onto my bed cause she drips blood like a tap! Also dont want to wake up and see her trying to shag my foot! ;)


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