Rambling Oaksey™: 2007 part 3

Sunday, January 20, 2008

2007 part 3


I travelled a lot to Manc, Manchester, Manchestoooooooooor etc etc. Its called various names. I went to see the then fella, a total waste of time as he fell asleep about 8pm but you get the gist of it.

Its a place where many 'gays' seem to want to flock to, mainly cause of Canal Street (or anal treet as its sometimes called) I dont have no problems with the place in general but most of the men up there are off their tits on drugs most weekends and living beyond their means. It seems to be a place where people want to get to to prove something, thats the only reason he lived there. Im gay and got to live in Manc to prove a point.

When you are in the city centre you fail to realise the poorer suburbs outside of that. The only thing that was ever going for the place and still is is the amount of fukin horny scallys there, but thats another story...............

So in other words a total waste of time going for just him, but for other things OK lol ;-)


At 8:35 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure if you're into recreational drugs and casual sex it's an ideal place to be.
Can't think of any reason I'd have to go there. Queer as Folk set in and around Anal Treet was offputting enough for me.


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