Rambling Oaksey™: Max :'(

Friday, October 10, 2008

Max :'(

We lost our little girl on Sunday the 5th October one day before her sister Judy passed away in March (that was the 6th)

She fell ill after the operation that she had, we took her back to the vets and they kept her in. She was so weak and it fukin broke my heart, she went in her pink coat and never left there...........

We went to see her everyday bar one, she seemed to have perked up on the Saturday, waggin her little tail and wantin a kiss. I phoned at night after we had been to be told that she was trying to leave her cage, we dont know if that was her trying to come home which makes it harder that she wasnt with us.

We went on Sunday and she was worse, I think its true that you perk up and then get worse. When I saw her she dead eyed me as if to say why have you brought me here. She was a lot worse, her bladder had swelled and she looked so sad. The vet said he could do other things like a blood transfusion to try and make her better but lookin at her she had had enough. It broke my heart to have to have her go to sleep. We couldnt let her suffer no more, it was in her eyes that she had enough.

To hold our little girl whilst she was put to sleep teared me apart, after she had gone i kissed her and let her know that if we could have done anything to save her we would have.

I still miss her now, little things like kisses and beggin for milk. Its so hard, it was before her time and its not fair, I would have spent any amount of money to keep her here with us but I couldnt see her in pain for our selfish needs.

I have had a terrible 2008 and I cant wait for it to end..........


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